
Buy Tungsten Carbide Drill Bits Cutters at Reasonable Price
Author:tang    Source:Site author    Update Time:2013-11-12 9:52:48

Buy Tungsten Carbide Drill Bits Cutters at Reasonable Price

What are Drill Bits?
Drill bits are cutting tools used to create cylindrical holes on metals, woods, glass etc almost always of circular cross-section. Drill bits come in many sizes and have many uses. Bits are held in a tool called a drill, which rotates them and provides torque and axial force to create the hole. Specialized bits are also available for non-cylindrical-shaped holes.
The shank is the part of the drill bit grasped by the chuck of a drill. The cutting edges of the drill bit are at one end, and the shank is at the other end. Drill bits Cutters online are available in standard sizes. Extensive drill bit and tap size chart lists metric and imperial sized drill bits alongside the required screw tap sizes.
How Do Drill Bits Work?
A drill bit is what actually cuts into the piece when drilling a metal or wood or a glass material. Situated at the tip of the drill string, below the drill collar and the drill pipe, the drill bit is spinning equipment that usually includes two or three cones made up of the hard components such as metal, tungsten carbide, and/or artificial or organic diamonds, and sharp teeth that that helps to drill the hole easily.
Drill bits are often used in borewell operations; in this case there are two kinds, percussion drilling and rotary drilling. Percussion drilling includes consistently dropping a heavy weight in the wellbore to chip away at the stone, rotary drilling uses a rotating drill bit to smash, cut, clean and smash the stone at the bottom of the well. The most popular choice for drilling for oil and gas, rotary drilling includes a drill bit, drill bit collar, drilling fluid, spinning equipment, hoisting equipment and prime moving service.
The prime mover is the power source for the drilling, while the hoisting devices manages raising the drill pipe to either place it into the well or raise it out of the well. Spinning devices is what sets the whole system in movement. In earlier days, drilling equipment was spun by livestock and wooden wheel, now it is done by a rotary table which is connected to square shaped hollow stem. Drill collar is connected to hollow stem which puts pressure and weight on the drill bit to make drilling easy.
Capping off the drill string is the drill bit, and covering the drilling procedure is drilling fluid, which allows providing buoyancy to the drill string, lubricating drilling process.

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ArticleInputer:tang    Editor:tang 
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