
High Tungsten Carbide Expsure for Stroke
Author:tang    Source:Site author    Update Time:2013-11-15 16:19:24

High Tungsten Carbide Expsure for Stroke

High urinary tungsten concentration is associated with an increased risk for stroke, according to a review of this research published by Plus One. Due to an increase in tungsten demand over the years the potential for human exposure to the metal has increased. Although the toxicology of tungsten is not well understood at this time, evidence has suggested that there are cytoxic effects in the elemental metal and its alloys.
The situation is serious. Consider that aside from concerns about stroke, cobalt-tungsten carbide, which is used to make certain tools, dies, and wear-resistant products for oil and other industries, has shown some evidence of causing lung cancer among workers, as reported upon by EmaxHealth reporter Deborah Mitchell.
Researchers have investigated the association between tungsten and cardiovascular disease (CVD) or stroke. Elevated tungsten concentrations were found to be strongly associated with an increase in the prevalence of stroke. People with higher urinary tungsten concentrations were found to have double the risk of reported stroke. The researchers have conjectured that the pathological pathway which results from tungsten exposure may involve oxidative stress.

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ArticleInputer:tang    Editor:tang 
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