
Conflict-free Tungsten Carbide in the Works
Author:tang    Source:Site author    Update Time:2013-12-4 17:13:35

Conflict-free Tungsten Carbide in the Works

Conflict minerals is a term better known for tantalum and tin being sourced from conflict regions of the Democratic Republic of Congo and other conflict areas. But it is important to note that tungsten, among other metals and minerals is also on the conflict mineral radar. On November 26, a joint conflict-free program was announced to help companies be more transparent in their sourcing of tungsten from conflict zones. The program is a collaboration between the Conflict Free Sourcing Initiative (CFSI) and the Tungsten Industry Conflict Minerals Council (TI-CMC) and aims to help make it easier for companies to source conflict-free tungsten.
According to TI-CMC’s press release, by developing specialized framework members of the TI-CMC can opt to become validated as DRC conflict free tungsten smelters under the CFSI’s Conflict-Free Smelter Program (CFSP). The initiative is the first time the organizations can provide information regarding conflict free tungsten smelters. The program can help companies sourcing DRC tantalum just in time for the U.S. reporting regulations for conflict minerals are slated to come into effect in 2014.
This week, Metal-Pages spoke with Robert Lederer, the executive director at the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC), who explained that “Being able to provide companies with information about audit validated, conflict
free tungsten smelters is a real success for our initiative, companies, and crucially the people on the ground who are affected by conflict in central Africa.”
James R. Dale, vice President of Member and Industry Relations for the Metal Powder Industries Federation is pleased with the start of the program and the unified approach that is being taken to address the matter of conflict minerals. “The TI-CMC sees this collaboration as an efficient and practical way for tungsten smelters to provide confidence to their customers that their sourcing practices do not directly or indirectly support conflict in the Democratic REpublic of the COngo and adjoining countries,” Dale said in his statement.
TI-CMC compliant smelters can opt to undergo the Conflict-Free Smelter Program audit, and any compliant smelters will be publicly listed on the organizations’ websites.

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ArticleInputer:tang    Editor:tang 
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