
Doping Method Can Improve Tungsten Copper Alloy Performance
Author:yaqing    Source:Site author    Update Time:2015-12-3 18:01:50

Doping Method Can Improve Tungsten Copper Alloy Performance

Using doping method can improve the performance of tungsten copper alloy.Using infiltration method to prepare tungsten copper alloy which respectively added B,Nb and Ce,then study how the various dopants effect on tungsten copper alloy microstructure,physical properties and arc characteristics.Here are the results:

1.When the doping amount of B is at 0 ~ 0.9 (wt%) range,the relative density and hardness of tungsten copper alloy firstly increased then decreased.The extreme value achieved when B is 0.3%.If the doping amount of B do not exceed 0.7%,the conductivity showed a slight downward trend, when the doping amount of B is 0.9%, the conductivity value fell to a low level. The copper in tungsten copper alloy will become extremely tiny.With the increase of doping amount,pores and agglomeration of tungsten copper alloy increased.

2.When the doping amount of Nb is at 0 ~ 0.9 (wt%) range,both relative density and hardness of tungsten copper alloy showed an upward trend.But the upward trend slowed when doping amount exceed 20%.Tungsten copper conductivity decreased, but not significantly.

3.When the doping amount of Ce is at 0 ~ 0.9 (wt%) range,the relative density of tungsten copper alloy has little changes,but the hardness of tungsten copper alloy increased slightly with the increasing doping amount.The conductivity value achieved the max value when Ce is 1.5%.After comparison,the intergrated performance of tungsten copper will be optimal when doping 0.3%B,2.0%Nb and 1.5%Ce during infiltrating.

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ArticleInputer:yaqing    Editor:yaqing 
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