
Tungsten Copper Applies in EAST Plasma Facing Materials(PFMs)
Author:yaqing    Source:Site author    Update Time:2015-12-10 16:34:02

Tungsten Copper Applies in EAST Plasma Facing Materials(PFMs)

EAST scientific goal is to build a large  experimental advanced superconducting Tokamak(EAST)device and system with non-circular section,to develop and build various techniques that can running steadily in the EAST device,to start steady,safe,efficient experimental researches of tokamak fusion reactor basic physical problems.Fusion energy is really"inexhaustible"clean,safe,reliable energy.The EAST device will make its significant contribution to the field where human is going to develop the clean and limitless fusion energy.From the view point of engineering to see EAST device,the use of materials and parts performances will be the determined key points that whether fusion can achieve successfully.

PFMs is one kind of the most important materials,which plays an improtant part in the armored material of the first wall, divertor and limiter of fusion actor device during the its running process.When EAST runs,PFM directly bears the high heat load,high particle flux and neutron irradiation,which would damage PFM,such as material ablation,cracking,fatigue,melting,surface blistering and delamination flaking and other surface damages,lowing and degenerating the performance of of PFM. Therefore, the selection of PFM material must have high performance requirements:1)good thermal conductivity,thermal shock resistance and high melting point;2)low sputtering rate;3)lower gas retention and recycling performance;4)low radioactivity.

Tungsten and copper materials with good performance use for making tungsten copper materials and have been widely used in many fields.Tungsten copper plasma materials can solve materials ablation, cracking,melting and other issues.Therefore,the applications of tungsten and copper in plasma EAST are l worthy to be discussed and studied further.

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ArticleInputer:yaqing    Editor:yaqing 
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