
Tungsten Alloy Shielding For Radioisotope Densitometer
Author:中鎢在線    Source:本站原創    Update Time:2016-3-29 17:57:28

Tungsten Alloy Shielding For Radioisotope Densitometer

Tungsten alloy shielding for radioisotope densitometer is mainly used for shielding the radiation released during the process of using the radioisotope densitometer. Radioisotope densitometer is an instrument to detect the density of a certain thickness of samples by a radioisotope source (such as γ-rays). The rays after penetrating the samples would be received by the ray detector, since the ray absorption ability of a sample is related to its density and the signals generated by the ray detector are related to the ray absorption ability of the sample, the density of the sample can be reflected. Because the radioisotope densitometer does not require direct contact with the measured object in applications, it can also used for the measurement and control of the high-temperature, explosive, toxic, high pressure and corrosive objects in which other instruments are difficult to use or can't be used.


The radioisotope source (such as γ-rays) used by radioisotope densitometer could pose a threat to human health.γ ray, denoted by the lower-case Greek letter gamma, is extremely high-frequency electromagnetic radiation and therefore consists of high-energy photons. γrays cause damage at a cellular level and are penetrating, causing diffuse damage throughout the body. However, they are less ionizing than alpha or beta particles, which are less penetrating. Low levels of γ rays cause a stochastic health risk, which for radiation dose assessment is defined as the probability of cancer induction and genetic damage. High doses produce deterministic effects, which is the severity of acute tissue damage that is certain to happen.


Because ray radiation is harmful for human body, so the tungsten alloy shielding for radioisotope densitometer should be used at the time of using a radioisotope density to protect human from radiation. Tungsten alloy shielding for radioisotope densitometer is made up of tungsten alloy material. A research shows that the radiation shielding performance of a metallic material is closely related to its density, the greater the density, the better the radiation shielding performance, so the tungsten alloy with high radiation shielding properties can effectively absorb and shield radiation.


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ArticleInputer:minghui    Editor:minghui 
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