
Rolling Affected TZM Alloy Plate Organizational Structure
Author:yiping    Source:Chinatungsten Online    Update Time:2016-7-5 18:04:42

Rolling Affected TZM Alloy Plate Organizational Structure

Observed after 40% rolling TZM alloy plate’s microstructure found that there is uniformly distributed white spherical particles and bulk material. The main elements of the white spherical particles is Ti and the main elements of matrix is Mo, Zr and a small amount of Ti, which shows Ti and Zr formed Mo-Ti and Mo-Zr solid solution in the Mo grains. Besides, the Zr has better solid solution ability than Ti. This is because the different between the solvent atom size and solute atom size is larger and the strengthening effect is greater. Zr and Mo has large difference factor, therefore Zr solid solution strengthening effect of Mo is better than Ti. TZM alloy strengthening mainly refers to the Mo-Ti, Mo-Zr solid solution strengthening and dispersion strengthening of TiC and ZrC. And these organizational structures largely improve the mechanical properties of the alloy, but also improve the recrystallization temperature of the alloy.

Observation at different rolling temperatures TZM alloy plate’s microstructure photograph found rolling at 1300 ~ 1350 ℃ the structure is elongated fibrous tissue grains, staggered and overlapping each other, compact arranged between grains, grain boundaries relatively flat, less voids. But when the rolling temperature is higher than 1350 ℃, the grain size becomes large, resulting in tissue coarsening.

The deformation degree also influences alloy’s structure. After rolling, with the deformation degree increase, the carbide phase is evenly dispersed and the dispersion strengthening effect is obvious. Further, as the deformation increases, the fibrous tissue increases and more refined, thereby improving the room temperature mechanical properties of the alloy.
For powder metallurgy material, its static tensile property depends on material’s density and grain size. High density and fine grain material has better mechanical properties. Low relatively density and fine grain TZM plate after large deformation rolling can produce high performance TZM alloy plate. TZM alloy plate after rolling the grain is fibrous and grain length is between 50 ~ 100um.

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ArticleInputer:yiping    Editor:yiping 
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