
CTIA GROUP LTD Recognized as RMI Conformant Downstream Facility for Tungsten

CTIA GROUP LTD is recognized as RMI Conformant Downstream Facility for Tungsten in May,2023.

RMI developed the Downstream Assessment Program (DAP) as a mechanism by which downstream companies, within the cobalt or tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold (3TG) supply chains, can obtain independent validation that their responsible sourcing practices are aligned to OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Mineral Supply Chains from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (OECD Guidance). 2 This program is solely for downstream companies that do not meet the definition as a refiner or smelter.

RMI’s recognition of CTIA GROUP LTD is validation that our tungsten sourcing and due diligence activities are aligned with OECD Guidance. Our customers can comfortably rely on RMI’s recognition that our products are responsibly sourced. In fact, our conformance provides an opportunity for our customers to continue the chain of responsibility throughout the downstream to the end finished product. Please see our website at http://cn.ctia.group/category/ethics-and-laws/ for further information regarding CTIA GROUP LTD’s activities on sustainability.

1.Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI)’s Downstream Assessment Program

2.OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas

Click to find PDF for certificate and determination of conformant letter from RMI:

DAP Recognition Certificate-CTIA GROUP LTD

RMI_DAP_Conformant_Letter_for_CID004061_CTIA GROUP LTD











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